Three innovative projects from Saxony can be funded by the Innovation Fund of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ). This year they are the „International Scouts – new ways for the international youth work of the AGJF (Working Group for Youth Leisure Activities) Saxony e.V., wir weit weg of KINDERVEREINIGUNG Leipzig e.V. and “we are Europe” of the sociocultural center of Leipzig the VILLA.
The three institutions work to enable as many young people as possible to experience cross-border mobility and to participate in international and European youth work. Young people themselves become ambassadors and inspire other young people to engage in exchange and encounter within the framework of peer-to-peer projects. This takes place, among other things, as a team at schools, in joint project development with young people and in the participative development of communication and information services suitable for young people.

The funds from the Innovation Fund of the BMFSFJ promote innovative, socio-political projects by and for young people. The Innovation Fund is part of the youth strategy „Taking actions for a suitable society for young people“, which the Federal Ministry for Youth has been implementing together with many partners since 2015.
During the 2017 / 2019 funding period, 14 international youth work projects will be funded nationwide.