Story of my origin – Training Course for Youth Workers

We invite you to take part in great learning experience focused on:
Community Work How and why should we work locally & Developing and executing projects on oral history and identity Working with stories and history to deal with prejudices, intolerance or xenophobia

Aim of the training course is to equip participants with skills & knowledge of working with stories and Oral History. We will go through different aspects of such methodology. With the exchange of good practices and through the workshops with experts we will focus on the development of future initiatives and projects.

• to learn specific techniques and methods of working creatively with Oral History and how to use them in practice
• to raise the ICT skills of participants (photo, audio, video editing)

„Story of my origin“ – training course identity, oral history, community developement Liberec – Czechia, 20-28.05.2017
Story of my origin

• to raise the quality and quantity of common projects among participating organizations
• to set-up a long lasting international partnership
• to promote mutual respect and common understanding through working with stories

In Liberec, one of the main cities of the Northern Czechia. It is nicely located, surrounded by mountains and located about 1 hour drive from Prague. We will be working and living directly in the city centre, close to the major city attractions. Accommodation will be provided in twin and triple rooms.

The training course is dedicated to youth workers, youth leaders, youth educators, volunteers, teachers, NGO workers, local activists & all the people who have potential to use new methods which they will learn during the training course in their future work in their organisation or local community. From: Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Germany, Poland, Romania, Slovakia.

The overall idea of the training course is to provide learning space within which participants will be able to learn from each other with the support of facilitators and invited experts. To accomplish that different tools will be used, of course key am there will be to promote active learning of participants.
Preliminary programme:

Day 0 – Saturday 20.05 Arrivals

Day 1 – Sunday 21.05 Getting to know each other and the project, teambuilding activities and intro to the youth pass

Day 2 – Monday 22.05 Introduction to the story telling, working on examples and cases

Day 3 – Tuesday 23.05 Theoretical introduction to the methodology of Oral History. Practical workshops on the topic

Day 4 – Wednesday 24.05 Working with the topic, practical use of the methodology and working with ICT tools

Day 5 – Thursday 25.05 Participation in the conference, exchange of good practices and networking

Day 6 – Friday 26.05 Delivering follow up activities and scenarios. Designing future work and cooperation

Day 7 – Saturday 27.05 Evaluation, Work on results Day 8 – 28.05 Departures

COST: Project is financed within Erasmus +: Youth, Key Action one: training course. Costs of accommodation and programme are fully covered. You will be responsible for buying your tickets in advance and we will reimburse you travel expenses after receiving all originals of your tickets. Maximum amount of travel reimbursement is:
180€ per person – for participants from Poland, Germany and Slovakia
275€ per person – for participants from Croatia, Italy, Romania
There is participation fee of 25 €. Participation fee will be deducted from the travel reimbursement.


The application is organised by our partner organisation:
If you are interested to participate please fill in application form, which you will find here.

For any question or further information please contact:
Damian Drużkowski, +420 731 057 496

Christian Schmidt-Rost (KINDERVEREINIGUNG Leipzig e.V., Internationale Arbeit)


Liberecka Občanská Společnost
Moskevská 28/23
460 01 Liberec 1
Czech Republic

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